
Biking in Hualien

January 31, 2011. Written in Taipei, Taiwan.

Biking in Hualien.

The Brazilian girl Laura kicked me out of my bed at 5:30 in the morning. This day, we were supposed to go to an area called Hualien, famous for its beautiful nature. In the three hour train, I was sleeping like a big bear having a winter sleep and felt heartbroken when we arrived in Hualien.

That being said, the first thing to do was to get ourselves a bike. That was going to be a tough task though, because different from China, civilized Taiwan requires proper licenses for borrowing. I of course have no kind of license or whatsoever, and Laura (living in Australia) only has her Australian driving license. We tried a few rental shops, but without success. It was a huge area, difficult to explore without a bike or car. Luckily though, we finally found ourselves a place that was willing to rent us a bike after showing Laura's license. I guess it is a matter of not giving up!

Laura preferred to have me drive, and she went on my back. It was my third time on a bike since I started traveling. Last 2 times, I both crashed at least once. Lets see if I could have my first crashless day!

We first took a drive along the East coast of Taiwan. Surprisingly big waves were dancing on the seas. It seemed like a good place for surfers.
Sometimes the sun would suddenly show it's face, which created for a completely different look on the sea and the mountains. It is funny to realize how big of an influence the weather has on the way you look at landscapes.

At some lookout point we found a big German guy pealing an orange. We asked him to take a picture for us. He was an exchange student in Taipei, and had come to the area for surfing during the Chinese new year holidays.

On the way, we found ourselves a beautiful temple, especially because of its romantic location. There was a big Buddha statue at the top, and we climbed the long stairs.

While looking at the magnificent view from the top, I suddenly realized I had forgotten something. It seemed that Laura noticed the sudden change on my face, and asked what was wrong.
"I think I left the keys in the bike..."
"Whaat!? Are you stupid?"
I had to run the stairs back to save our bike. Luckily, it was still there.
"In Brazil, it would have already have been stolen 4 times" Laura told me.

Next, we decided to visit the Taroko gorge, arguably the most famous nature site of Taiwan. This was another drive of a small hour, and on the way it started to rain pretty badly. Once we arrived though, the rain miraculously stopped, and we were able to enjoy the beautiful view. There was one spot where you could view a waterfall right beneath a temple. This was a trulyremarkable, peaceful and beautiful spot. After having visited the Tiger Leaping Gorge in China, Taroko was my second gorge, and although probably not as famous as the Tiger, I liked it a lot better.

On the way back, it started to rain again, and this time it was serious. We got completely soaked an cold, but drove back to the Hualien station without one break. I couldn't wait to get a warm shower back at the hostel. But first, we were going to have to take the three hours train back. My shoes were like a swimming pool, and my clothes were like a pile of dirty mops. But then again, at least I had my first day on a bike without crashing! That was an improvement for sure.

The hottest Binlangshisu

January 30, 2011. Written in Taipei, Taiwan.

The hottest Binlangshisu

While walking the streets at night in Taiwan, I noticed that wherever you go you see there is this strange neon-light that kind of looks like a half ferris wheel on every corner of the streets.

I was wondering what this was supposed to mean, and asked one of my Taiwanese friends. She told me that at places with these lights, a thing called "Binlang" is sold.  Binlang is the nut of a certain palm species. These nuts contain arecoline, which has a similar effect on people as nicotine.
 I tried some, but it really wasn't my thing.

In Japan Binlang is considered a soft-drug and is strictly forbidden, but in Taiwan it is very popular, especially among the working classes for as far as I know. It is really incredible how many of these stores you see in each street.

You chew the nuts and spit out the red fluid that comes out of it which can cause long cancer. It can be very dangerous to swallow it. You can often see people spitting out red fluid (allthough it is forbidden to spit it on the street, and most people obey this rule). If you don't know about it you will think that people are spitting out blood. Spitting out red fluid does of course not look too elegant, which is why almost all chewers appear to be men.

To get as much customers as possible, many Binlang stores hire so called Binlangshisu, which are sexy girls that sell the nuts wearing almost nothing. Truck drivers will stop at their favorite Binlangshisu store to get their extra energy.

There are some streets full with Binlangshisu, and it is funny to see how each one wears just a little less to get that extra customer.

Who is the hottest Binranshisu you ask? Enjoy this picture!

Miko en de chauffeur.

January 30, 2011. Written in Taipei, Taiwan.

Miko en de chauffeur.

Oude vrienden opzoeken in een vreemd land is altijd leuk. Zo ging ik op mijn 2e echte dag in Taiwan op bezoek naar de stad van een Taiwanees meisje waarmee ik vroeger op school heb gezeten. Ik had haar al 6 jaar niet gezien! Ik had me echter vergist in waar ik uit moest stappen, en terwijl ik paniekerig door deze vreemde stad in het noorden van Taiwan genaamd Hshincu roonddwarrelde, werdt het als maar later. Uiteindelijk vond ik een gratis bus die mij naar het station zou brengen, en dat was waar we afgesproken hadden. Toen ik meer dan 1 uur te laat bij dit station aankwam, was deze vriendin nergens te bekennen. Ze was niet het type dat maar naar huis gaat als de andere niet op komt dagen. Ik vond gelukkig een telefooncel, en draaide haar nummer.
"Rijn! Waar ben je nu!?" klonk haar bezorgde stem meteen.
"Bij het station. Sorry dat ik zo laat ben"
"Gelukkig dat je er eindelijk bent. Ik sta bij de uitgang"
Ik keek om mij heen, er waren meerdere uitgangen. Vlak bij de telefooncel stond een groot bord met waarop stond "Uitgang 3".
"Welk nummer?" vroeg ik haar.
"Er is maar 1 uitgang!"
"Volgens mij ben ik dan ergens anders"
Ze vroeg me de telefoon te overhandigen aan iemand dichtbij. Vlakbij stond een nors kijkende man van de beveiliging.
 "Mijn vriend! Het is mijn vriend!" zei ik de man, wijzend naar de telefoon in het Chinees. Beter kon ik het niet uitleggen. De man keek mij een beetje vreemd aan. "Wat moet ik nu weer met jouw vriend?" leek hij te willen zeggen. Toch was hij zo vriendeljk de telefoon aan te nemen, en legde uit waar de onnozele buitenlander zich bevond.
Het scheen behoorlijk ver weg te zijn, en ze zei dat het met de auto ongeveer een half uur zou duren.

Miko, toen 23 of 24, nu 30, leek niets veranderd. Ze was er misschien zelfs wel beter op uit gaan zien. Samen met haar vriendje was ze me met de auto komen ophalen. Hij sprak geen Japans of Engels, maar leek een leuke en vrolijke jongen. Ik probeerde beleefd wat vragen te stellen aan hem in het Japans, die Miko dan voor me kon vertalen, maar na een poosje zei ze lachend: "Trek je niet zoveel aan van hem. Vandaag is hij niet meer dan onze chauffeur."
Daar moest ik al wegwuifend hartelijk om lachen. Zulk soort vreemde maar humoristische opmerkingen had Miko vroeger ook altijd gemaakt. Ze vroeg me of ik gehoord had van de moorden die er op onze school zich hadden afgespeeld gehoord had. Geschokt zei ik van niet. Het schijnt dat net een paar dagen geleden, op de taalschool waar ik op mijn 17e/18e zat zich een moord heeft afgespeeld. Een uitwisselingsstudent uit Taiwan zou verliefd geworden zijn op een Taiwanees meisje uit zijn klas. Dit meisje wou echter niets met hem. De jongen was er kapot van en is naar haar huis gegaan met een mes, en heeft haar doodgestoken. Haar kamergenoot had dit zien gebeuren, en daarom besloot hij haar ook maar dood te steken. Na door de politie gepakt te zijn, heeft de jongen zelf ook zelfmoord gepleegd.
"Gelukkig zijn wij nooit op het idee gekomen" zei ik tegen haar.

Ze brachten mij naar een touristische wijk, waar oude tempels en veel kleine eettentjes ware.We aten ergens wat noedels, liepen wat rond door de straatjes en bezochten een tempel. Het was jammer dat het zo regende. Onze chauffeur bleek ook onze fotograaf te zijn.

Daarna gingen we naar een theehuis, waar ze speciale thee uit deze stad serveerde. De thee moest zelf gemaakt worden door de theebladeren, pinda's en sesam fijn te stampen en daarna te mengelen. Dit was een behoorlijk werk dat ik met Miko's vrienddje afwisselde. De thee was lekker zoet en we kregen er ook lekkere snoepjes bij.
Een serveester die ons had horen praten, vroeg of ik Japans was.
"Ja, mijn beiden ouders zijn ook Japans. Het is een raadsel waarom ik er zo Westers uit zie" antwoorde ik.
Het meisje leek niet te weten wat ze moest zeggen en buigde een beetje genegeerd.
Miko gaf me een plagende klap op mijn schouders.

Na de hele dag een perfecte rondleiding door Hshincu gekregen te hebben, stond ik s'avonds met Miko ergens voor een convinience store te wachten terwijl onze chauffeur de auto aan het parkeren was. Ik wou een beetje rondlopen, maar Miko zei dat ik hier moest wachten. Ik knikte, zonder dit ook maar een beetje vreemd te vinden. Toen werdt ik opeens vanachteren op mijn schouders getikt. Het was een gezamelijke vriendin van ons, die overigens een van mijn allerbeste vrienden is. Ze stond daar een beetje pesterig naar me te lachen. Het was een geheim geweest dat ze vandaag zou verschijnen, en opeens stond ze voor mijn neus.

Nadat de chauffeur ook gekomen was, aten we wat met zijn 4en in de nachtmarkt van Hshincu. Taiwan is beroemd voor zijn nachtmarkten. Je kunt er allerlei soorten snackjes kopen, en het is er bovendien erg gezellig. Het was heerlijk om met deze oude vrienden bij te praten. Ik hoop ze gauw weer te zien, en zonder iemand dood te steken!



January 30, 2012. Written in Taipei, Taiwan.







January 30, 2011. Written in Taipei, Taiwan.








January 29, 2011. Written in Taipei, Taiwan.








眠れぬ夜の後に、朝七時の無料朝食を食べた。この頃には波が大分落ち着いてきたので、食器がテーブルから落ちることを心配もせずにゆっくりと食べられた。 ドイツ人のカップルが料理の半分以上を食べられないため、僕が3人前近くを口にした。その後外に出てみると、台湾の陸がもう見えていた。これが基降か……。空は大分曇っており、イメージしていた暖かい台湾とは大分違うようだったが、まあ物事を第一印象で判断しないでおこう。




Chongqing girls in Xiamen

January 29, 2011. Written in Taipei, Taiwan.

Chongqing girls in Xiamen

I was wandering through the streets of Xiamen, near the station. I had forgotten to look up a hostel, so the first thing was to find an internet cafe somewhere. It took me quite a while to find one and with that heavy bag on my back after a sleepless night, I started to get really tired. After heaving finally found an internet cafe, I learned that there is a specific touristic area near the sea where many hostels are located. I headed there by a local bus. On the way it passed Xiamen university, which looked like a beautiful campus filled with palm trees. The area were the hostels were located also looked very tropical, but due to the fact that it was off-season, there were hardly any tourists around. A town completely designed for tourists without any tourists is around is about as sad as things can get. I headed into one of the hostels that I had found on the internet, and got a room for the night. The guy of the hostel spook good English and the place had good athmosphere, but here as well, being the only guest didn't make things look as cozy as they are supposed to be.

I went directly to the ferry port. The guy at the hostel had taught me how to get there by bus. It was a newly build huge port, but designed very awkwardly. There was no entrance for people that had come by foot, so I had to walk on the side of the high-way to get there. Also, there was no other way to get inside then to take the elevator from the underground parking lots. Inside the port though, it looked like a modern airport. Many restaurants and shops were located here, and there was a huge counter to buy tickets. But here as well, there seemed to be hardly any visitors. I guess that since the service is still very new, the popularity of visiting Taiwan by boat is to become bigger in the coming years.
None of the ladies at the ticket counter spoke English, so I had to buy a ticket using my broken Chinese and writing characters. After waiting a while, the lady called me and gave me my ticket. I looked at it closely, and found out that she had given me a flight ticket to Taiwan. Were they stupid or something? Why would someone come buy a flight ticket at a ferry port? I was almost about to break my traveling rules (I don't fly) without knowing so myself.
I explained the lady that I didn't want to fly. She looked surprised but nodded and prepared a ferry ticket for me instead. I also got half of the price of the plane ticket back.

That evening, back in the area of the hostel, I headed into a cheap eating house for dinner. While eating my dish, a foreign guy came and took place at my table.
"Hello there!" he said.
It was a German guy called Matt studying here for a year. I told him I had passed the university by bus and that it seemed like a really nice campus. He told me that this was his major reason to study in Xiamen. He gave me some tips on the city, and I had some more dumplings with him.

The next day, I decided to visit this university. It was really a beautiful campus, but a bit quiet because Chinese new year holidays were about to start. At the soccer field, there was a guy kicking the ball to the wall, so I offered to play with him for a while. Without any conversation, we started to pass each other the ball. It was fun for a while, but seemed to go on forever, so after 30 minutes I kicked the ball back to the guy and waved him goodbye.

I headed to the same eating house that evening, and found Matt there having dinner with 2 more Germans. A girl and a guy. I joined them, and Matt payed for all of us. He asked me what kind of work I had been doing in Japan. I told him that I was a Karate instructor. He was very surprised to hear this, because he was a serious Karate practitioner himself too. He invited me to have some tea at his place. Here we go again, drinking tea in China! In this case though, I wasn't very scared because my friend himself was a foreigner too. At his place, he showed me some books about his Karate style. It seemed that his teacher has lived in Okinawa to learn Karate from old masters. Matt himself has also been to Okinawa to participate in Kata tournaments.

After this, we went downtown with the other German guy called Pascal to have a drink. Two Chinese girls joined us, one being Pascals girlfriend. They were girls from Chongqing. They had left Chongqing without therir family to work in Xiamen at the age of 15. They life in a small apartment with more then 10 other girls from Chongqing and work at a factory. How old these girls are now, nobody seemed to know, but they still looked very young.

That night, on the way back in the taxi Matt and Pascal told me about a complicated love story with these girls. I told them that I would change their names and write a novel about it someday. They laughed at that and said goodbye to me. The next day I would take my boat to Taiwan. Thank you guys for making my stay in Xiamen an interesting one!

Chinese communism and lost loves.

January 29, 2012. Written in Taipei, Taiwan.

Chinese communism and lost loves.

On the morning of January 9, it was finally time for me to leave the city of Hong Kong. I came by train, but as advised by Nicolas, I left the city by bus. It was a big coincidence that Nicolas had to go to Guangzhou too for an exam the day before, so we would meet each other there again. One month ago, I met him in Guangzhou, and now, after staying at his apartment for 1 month, we would say goodbye in the same city.

At the border, it took surprisingly long to pass the immigration office. The inspector looked at every single passport for at least 5 minutes, so even if there was not really a long line, I had to wait for quite a while. At my passport too, the lady looked incredibly carefully, checking every single page multiple times, holding it beneath some laser and checking it with a magnifying glass. Was there a criminal expected to cross the border today or something?

After having passed the border, I had to take another bus to bring me to Guangzhou. The other side of the border was completely different. It was as if I had made a jump of at least 20 years. Old, gray buildings were standing there, showing no character or whatsoever. Yes, I was back again in spokey mainland China for sure.

Nicolas was waiting for me in front of the bus stop in Guangzhou. He would depart from here a few hours later himself to head back to Hong Kong. Together we went to have lunch at a local noodle restaurant. The noodles were pretty good and Nicolas called them "Hong Kong quality". We strolled through a nice park for a while, and slowly headed back to the bus station. The last month, me and Nicolas became very good friends. In the evening we would have long talks about each others life's, and I would go visit him during his lunch break and drink some bubble tea  together. Yes, I was going to miss him for sure. I hugged my friend and waved  him goodbye.

For the first time in nearly 2 months, I was again traveling all on my own. I had no idea what would happen to me, or whom I would meet the coming days. But that is what traveling is supposed to be all about.

I decided to head for Taiwan next. In Taiwan I have a good old friend whom I had wanted to visit for a long time.

As I had researched before, since 2010, due to the improvement in the relationships between China, it has become possible to go to Taiwan by ferry from a city called Xiamen. I headed to the train station of Guangzhou to buy myself a ticket to go to this city, but after arrival I was amazed by the enormous amount of people at the station. This was because the Chinese new year was narrowing. In this period, millions of people travel through the country to visit their family. Would I be able to get a ticket!?

Luckily though, Chinese new year was still 2 weeks ahead, and most people were at the station to reserve tickets for this period. A seat was of course not available, but a standing seat was no problem. I decided to depart the same day, and left for Xiamen at 9 O'clock at night.

In the train, I was standing next to a young, friendly looking guy. He approached me, asking were I was heading in Chinese. I showed him my ticket. He himself was going somewhere else. Standing in between two coupe's, we had a long talk about all sorts of stuff. We filled countless papers writing each other characters. In this way, we were able to have a conversation about Chinese communism, lost loves, video-games, if Taiwan was supposed to be a part of China or not, Japanese adult video's and martial arts. When we arrived at his station, he was almost too late to get out, and jumped out of the door of the already moving train. I threw his bag that I had been holding out of the train, and waved him goodbye.

After standing until the afternoon of the next day, I finally arrived in Xiamen.  


January 29, 2012. Written in Taipei, Taiwan.













January 25, 2011. Written in Taichung, Taiwan.


S'avonds op de weg terug naar het appartement van mijn vriend Nicolas, gebeurde er mij opeens iets vreemd. Er lag geld op de grond. En niet een beetje ook. Er lagen honderden muntjes op de grond. Allemaal dezelfde 10 HK dollar cent, wat ongeveer de waarde heeft van 1 Eurocent. Het lag overal op de straat, alsof iemand er mee had staan strooien. Hoeveel waren het er wel niet? Ik keek om me heen. Er was niemand in de buurt. Ik legde de zak met een trommel koekjes die ik net van een kennis had gekregen op de grond, en hurkte me. Een paar centen oprapen zal niemand kwaad doen. Na er zo een 30, 40 opgepakt te hebben, gooide ik deze in de zak met de koektrommel. Toen ik er mee op wou staan, merkte ik opeens dat een familie mij was begonnen te helpen. Een echtpaar met een klein zoontje stonden druk muntjes voor me op te rapen, en brachten de buit naar mij toe. Een oude man die ook bij de familie leek te horen, stond er een beetje nors bij te kijken.
Ik zei dat het niet nodig was me te helpen, maar de familie bleef braaf doorgaan. Nu goed, dan besloot ik zelf ook maar door te gaan, het zou een beetje onbeleefd zijn om hun al het werk te laten doen.

Na een poos kwamen er ook nog een groep jongens bij.
"Hey! This is a fun game!" zei een van ze.
Voor ik het wist waren er een stuk of 10 mensen muntjes voor mij aan het oprapen. Iedereen bracht steeds de buut naar mijn zak, en gooide het erin. Het was een vreemd gezicht, je zou haast denken dat het een grote vrijwillegersactie was. Met zoveel mankracht, was het werk gauw gedaan. De zak zat nu helemaal vol. Een klein jongetje bracht mij de laatste buit. Ik zei dat hij het zelf mocht houden, maar dat mocht niet van zijn moeder. De oude man die de hele tijd nors had staan kijken, sprak mij nu aan.
"Je moet een goede knoop in die zak doen. Let beter op je spullen de volgende keer, OK?"
"Ja meneer, ik zou voorzichtig zijn."
Met een grote zak vol geld liep ik door. De mensen die mij hadden geholpen zwaaide me uit. Ik kreeg er de slappe lag van, wat een gebeurtenis opeens! Maar wat moet ik nu met al dit geld?

Bij Nicolas thuis, begon ik meteen het geld te tellen. Ik maakte steeds stapeltjes van 10, en het duurde behoorlijk lang voordat ik eindelijk uitgeteld was. Het bleken 364 muntjes te zijn. 3 Euro en 64 Cent dus. Dat was niet niks!

De volgende dag probeerde ik het geld gelijk te gebruiken bij mijn lunch, maar het restaurant wou het niet aannemen.
"Meer dan 50 muntjes nemen wij niet aan, meneer."
Ik smeekte de vrouw een uitzondering te maken, maar ze schudden kil haar hoofd.
Wat moest ik nu met al die muntjes?

Vlak voor mijn vertrek uit Hong Kong, ben ik langs de bank gegaan, maar ook die wouden het niet omwisselen. Ze konden het wel op mijn rekening storten. Maar een rekening hier had ik niet.
Ik heb het geld daarom maar aan mijn goede vriend Nicoals gegeven. Heeft hij toch nog iets aan mijn verblijf verdiend!


Taking Nicolas to Japan.

January 24, 2011. Written in Taipei, Taiwan.

Taking Nicolas to Japan.

Every big modern city is multicultural. Every city is not only itself, but has a Japan, a France and probably even a Turkey. In this case, the Kyokushin Karate Dojo I had been visiting in Hong Kong for a while, felt almost more "Japan" than Japan itself. It sounded like a good idea to invite my friend Nicolas to this place to come and have a look. He may like it or not, but that he was going to have a special and different experience was a fact.

I waited for my friend in front of the station that is nearby the Dojo. Together, we walked to the old building and took the elevator to the 10th floor. The door was already open. One guy with a blue belt was practicing his kicks in front of the mirror.
"Osu" I said before entering the Dojo. In Karate, this "Osu" is a word you use to greet or reply to others. Nicolas imitated this while laughing. He had already hear my say this just as a joke sometimes, but he seemed surprised that we actually say this. We headed into the dressing room, where I changed in my Karate suit. While changing, the teacher arrived. Tashiro Sensei is a Japanese Karate teacher, living in Hong Kong since 1992. In the daytime he works as a fashion designer, and mainly designs Chinese dresses. Nearly 20 years have passed since he has moved to Hong Kong, but he is still as Japanese as a person could possibly be.
"Osu!" I said to him and bowed deeply.  The difference between my formal behavior and Tashiro Sensei's simple, natural behavior must have been interesting to see for my friend. In Japan, the difference in behavior towards your senior is huge compared to the way you would behave towards someone that is less than you.

Not only Tashiro Sensei, but also the students at this Dojo behave very Japanese. This is because Tashiro Sensei is not only teaching his students Karate, but also tries to learn them some Japanese manners.
"Karate is a Japanese martial art. Those that want to practice, should learn the Japanese spirits first" are his words.
For me as well, it is really fascinating to see how all these Hong Kong students take care of their seniors with respect and would never argue with the teacher and do exactly as he tells.
"It is very cool to see how much respect people show to their teacher. That is something different from all those people in Europe that keep arguing with teachers while they hardly know anything about the subject at all" Nicolas said.
I told him that this also has its bad parts, because people tend to just do exactly as they are told, which kills a lot of creative opportunities. But I guess that you just can't have everything. If you want creativity, you will get disagreements, if you want respect and believe, then some of the creativity will have to let go.

At around 7:30 the training started. I was told to teach the first part of the class, which is called "Kihon". This is the basics of Karate, and is practiced in the exact same way every time. Loud shouts are made while utilizing Karate's basic techniques. A Japanese speaking Englishman helped Nicolas imitate the movements. All of the sudden in the middle of loudly shouting guys seemed like a little too much for my friend, and I noticed that he couldn't help but laugh at the situation.

Nicolas joined the whole training, and did a great job in trying to follow us. He even joined the "Kumite" part which is actual fighting.

After the training, we took a picture with the whole group, and changed back into normal clothes.

"Man, you guys say Osu more then a thousand times a day!" Nicolas spoke to me while he was putting on his T-shirt next to me.

After the training, we went to a local Japanese restaurant with the group. Everyone was sure to pour the beer and Japanese Sake to Tashiro Sensei first, and made sure to fill it as soon as it would be empty. When getting alcohol poured into your glass, all the students politely took the glass with both their hands, and bowed to the person that was so kind to do so. Yes, we were really in Japan.

I spoke with Tashiro Sensei in Japanese, while the others conversated with each other in Cantonese or English. Vincent, a guy originally from France with Hong Kongnese backgrounds, was happy to be able to talk in his mother tongue with Nicolas.
When sometimes Tashiro Sensei would talk to the group, everyone politely stopped their conversation, and listened what Sensei had to say while sitting with their backs as straight as possible, repeating "Osu" to his messages. It really made me remember all those years of Karate in Japan. It definitely wasn't an easy life, but it was filled with days of hard work an satisfaction for sure.

After leaving the restaurant and having said goodbye to Tashiro Sensei, we walked the streets to the train station. At some street-food place, a young man was teaching an old man how to fry the chicken wings. We were back in Hong Kong again.



January 21, 2011. Written in Kaoshung, Taiwan.













January 21, 2011. Written in Kaoshung, Taiwan.






と、そういうわけで、その数日後、ジークンドーのクラスに体験させてもらった。 前日会館で出会った男が指導員だった。練習生は10人くらいで、ジャージを着てる人もいれば、普段着の人もいる。そういう意味でも、ジークンドーは決まった形を取らず、人の個性を意識するわけか…。




January 19, 2011. Written in Taipei, Taiwan



















January 18, 2011. Written in Taipei, Taiwan.


Geld vergokken aan paardenraces is altijd een goede methode om op de eerste dag van een nieuw jaar je geluk uit te proberen. En dat dan wel bij de beroemde paardenrace baan van Hong Kong, die een van de oudste en meest bezochte paardenraces ter wereld is. Ik bezocht dit festijn weer eens met mijn Franse vrienden, en omdat er bij de paardenraces ook laag ingezet kan worden was ik dit keer niet de enige die berijd was zijn geld te verspillen.

Bij elke race kan er ingezet worden, en je kunt voorspellen dat het paard nummer 1 wordt, of dat het bij de beste 3 zal horen. Natuurlijk krijg je meer terug als je voorspeld dat hij eerste wordt, maar hoe groot dat verschil is hangt van het paard af. Soms was er zlefs maar een miniem verschil tussen het geld. Inzetten moet op zijn minst voor 10 HK dollar per keer gedaan, wat ongeveer 1 Euro is. Niemand van ons zette meer dan dit minimum in, maar voor de allerlangzaamste paarden kreeg je soms 99 keer je inzet terug, dus zelfs met de inzet van 10 HK dollar viel rijk te worden.

De eerste beurt zette iedereen behalve Sidart in; de Indo-Fransoos leek te heilig voor een slechte daad als gokken. Ik voorspelde dat paard nummer 3 bij de beste drie zou horen, waarvoor ik als het correct zou zijn 5 keer mijn inzet terug zou krijgen. Het was verbazingwekkend spannend deze paarden te zien hollen als je geld op spel staat, zelfs als het maar heel weinig is. Mijn paard zat wel in de top, maar helaas haalde het net niet de top 3. Paard 9, het paard waarop Guillaume had gewed, won de wedstrijd waardoor de lange Fransoos als een blij klein kind een dansje begon te maken.

De volgende twee wedstrijden zette ik weer in op een paard met ongeveer dezelfde kansen als de eerste keer, maar steeds zonder geluk. Mijn andere vrienden hadden ook geen geluk, en Guillaume had besloten na zijn overwinning niet door te gokken. Op het laatst besloten we met zijn allen gezamelijk10 HK dollar op een paard waar je 99 keer de inzet voor terug kreeg te wedden. Met kloppende harten juigde we ons paard toe, maar dat bleek niet veel uit te halen. Het paard werd dik, en dan ook echt dik laatste.
Hier een laatste hopeloze blik op onze vreselijk trage paard.

Geluk zal ik dit jaar wel niet al te veel hebben.


New Year in Hong Kong.

 January 13, 2012. Written on the boat from China to Taiwan.

New year in Hong Kong.

Although Chinese new year is bigger in Hong Kong than its Western counterpart, the international city does widely celebrate Western new year. For example, there seems to be a huge firework every year in the center of the city. However, I did not get to see this spectacle because I was invited to a rooftop party instead. The hosts were a Norwegian woman and a Mexican man whom are friends of Nicolas (whom I am staying with). At the rooftop of their luxury apartment they invited some friends. The average age of the guests was pretty high, and we were almost the youngest invited. Not that that matters, because I was able to meet a lot of new people and had many interesting conversations. But for me, the highlight of the night was this 10 year old boy that had come along with his father. His father was from France, but his mother from Japan, and the boy had grown up completely in Japan and the family had just moved to Hong Kong a few days before. The boy spoke both Japanese and French (according to my French friends) like a native, and had already learned some English too. If he would speak in Japanese, he would act like a normal Japanese kid would do, but according to my French friends, in French he was just like your average French kid too. Well, average is not really a word that does him right though, because besides his extreme language and cultural adaption skills, he was just a very nice and pure kid too. With those big brown eyes, he would tell me how he was sad that he couldnt see the firework. I asked him what he was good at at school.
Math he told me, which was not exactly the answer I had expected.
And do you practice any sports?
He named a few, of which one was Judo.
Do you know what your big brother (referring to myself) used to do for a living?
The kid shook his head. I told him I just to teach Karate to many kids just like him.
But in Hong Kong, you have a lot of Kung Fu!  the kid said.
Yeah, but since you are a Japanese, you should keep practicing Japanese martial arts. Then for sure, the girls here will like you
He shyly laughed to that.
Talking about girls, an Asian looking girl of about my age had been looking at us for a while and now slowly approached us.
What language are you guys speaking? she asked as if she had been trying to figure out for a while.
Japanese we answered. She looked surprised.
You know, I first thought that, but why would a Western adult speak Japanese to a Western kid? she said laughing.
Now what if I tell you we are both Japanese?  I told the girl.
Yes I am Japanese the boy said to the girl as well, with an accent that sounded like a mix of Japanese and French, but it was still pronounced pretty well.
You are such a pretty boy, do you want to be my girlfriend? the girl asked the kid while laughing.
I translated what she had said, and the boy again gave his cute shy laugh.
Uhhm…” he started. Well, I dont know about that, but we could be very good friends instead he seemed to have taken it seriously.
We asked him if he himself thought he was better in Japanese or French. After hesitating for a while he said French, because he thought there where too many characters to remember in Japanese.
I cant understand how grown ups can read all that he said, as if he couldnt imagine himself being able to do so one day.

It was now starting to get close to twelve oclock. People were starting to count down, dancing and yelling things. 

Shortly after the New Year had started, the kid went home with his father. I talked some more with the girl, who was from Hong Kong by the way. It seemed that she had been studying in Spain for a while, and she spoke very good Spanish (for as far as I know). In Spain she had met a Japanese guy whom she was together with for a while, so our talks in Japanese must have been sounded familiar to her. She was really a very nice girl and I wish I could have spent some more time with her, but after this party I never saw her again.
 On the way back to Nicolass place, I couldnt help thinking about the boy. Life in this new huge city is going to be hard for him the first days. He doesnt even know the language and customs. But with his language skillst, Im sure he will be alright. Just keep on practicing those Japanese martial arts and get yourself a nice girl!

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